Аудиокнига автора Paul Noble. 🕙: . Чтец(ы) Paul Noble. Относится к жанрам: , . Возрастное ограничение: 0+.
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Learn Italian with Paul Noble combines an exciting, new non-traditional approach to language learning with the easy, relaxed appeal of an audio-only product.No books. No rote memorisation. No chance of failure.Paul Noble is a genius with a higher IQ than Einstein. Despite this, he still struggled with language learning at school. He found himself feeling 'confused, incapable and unable to really say anything'. As a result of his negative early experiences, Paul has come up with a ground-breaking new method of language teaching that removes the need for months of studying. With Paul Noble, everyone really can speak a language.The course review offers a very useful opportunity to revise the previous three parts of the course and practise what you have learnt. Two native-speaking Spanish experts help Paul to deliver the course and to perfect your pronunciation. No complicated grammatical explanations, no rote memorisation, no writing - no stress.Learn over 6,000 words in no time at all and - most importantly - learn how to make your new vocabulary work for you. A downloadable booklet is also included to use as a reference and revision tool.